Social media, as many of you might know, is a great way to reach out to people. But how can an individual stand out from the billions of other people trying to compete for users’ attention?

It’s an absolute jungle out there, and to stand out you need to bring your best self.

Differentiating yourself on social media can be a challenge, but with the right strategy and approach, it is possible to make a lasting impact. Just make sure to avoid these 10 common mistakes in 2023 .

Our 8 tips cover key areas such as authenticity, storytelling, consistency, and building a strong brand to help you find your niche and attract the right audience. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your social media presence to the next level, these tips will give you the tools you need to succeed.

What do you mean by social media jungle?

The “social media jungle” is a metaphor used to describe the crowded and competitive environment of social media platforms. There are millions of individuals, businesses, and organizations all vying for attention and engagement on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. In order to stand out in this jungle, one needs to be strategic and differentiate themselves in some way, whether it be through content, branding, or approach. It can also refer to the ever-changing nature of social media algorithms, trends and the need to constantly adapt to stay ahead. It’s a dense and challenging environment, but with the right approach, it is possible to cut through the noise and make a lasting impact.

Make an impression on social media

In the social media jungle, you need to find your own niche and stand out from the crowd. There are countless articles out there that tell you 28 rules on how to do this or 10 ways to do that, but they all seem pretty vague and most of what is written are very generic.

We’ve all heard the phrase “you only have one chance to make a first impression”. Well, that same concept applies to your social media accounts too. You want to make sure that the first thing people see when they visit your page is something that represents who you are and what you do.

If you are thinking about creating a social media account for your small business, or you have an existing social media page and you want to take it to the next level, these tips will certainly help you on your way to success.

Here are 8 free social media tips that I have found useful and effective in the jungle.

Tip 1: Be authentic and don’t be afraid to be yourself.

Business entrepreneurs nowadays frequently hear advice to “reveal more of who they are.” Small business owners, in particular, have the chance to use digital and social media tools to build credibility and enhance their profiles.

Here are some suggestions to help you get courage to be genuine on social media:

    • Stop concentrating on what can go wrong and start letting more of who you are show through. One client expressed to me his desire for personal beacons. What genius, experience, and wisdom do you bring to your field? Learn to appreciate these, then express them.
    • Give up trying to be flawless. You aren’t. You are a person. Attempting to present a flawless, polished facade is the antithesis of genuineness. Stop doing that.
    • Ask your customers, friends, and coworkers what makes you special in the field. They are telling the truth, so pay close attention.
    • Talk to your partner or best friend. You know those evenings after dinner when you’ve been discussing business? Your husband comments on how great you are and how fortunate your clients are from across the table. People that know and appreciate you are aware of your passions and how effectively you take care of your customers

Tip 2: Be a storyteller – stories connect people.

The following are the benefits of a well-written brand narrative shared on LinkedIn, Twitter, or another social media platform:

    • Evokes our feelings and stimulates a variety of brain regions
    • Stays with us because the story evokes memories.
    • Influences how we act

Social media storytelling requires both user-generated and employee-generated material.

In fact, online content from friends, family, and coworkers is trusted by the majority of consumers more than all other types of brand messages. Additionally, many respondents claim that this type of content has a big impact on their shopping decisions.

Customer stories can be shared in a variety of ways. You may produce touching video content. Additionally, provide your audience with what they want by including employee testimonies and highlighting the benefits your product offers both to customers and employees.

Tip 3: Start small, be consistent, and build it up slowly.

When developing your social media presence, it’s crucial to start small and maintain consistency. Here are some pointers to help you get going:

    • Establish a publishing schedule: When using social media, consistency is essential. Pick a posting schedule that works for you and make an effort to follow it as closely as you can. You’ll gain credibility and maintain interest among your followers if you do this.
    • Engage your audience: Engaging your audience is a terrific approach to forging connections and creating a community around your business. Be sure to reply to messages and comments and think about requesting suggestions or advice from your followers.
    • Gradually raise your posting frequency: You can gradually build up your posting frequency as you become more accustomed to social media and begin to develop a following. Just be careful to maintain balance and avoid inundating your followers with stuff.

You can establish a solid online presence and interact with your followers successfully by taking small steps and maintaining consistency.

Tip 4: Explore all your options before deciding what social networks you are going to use.

Before selecting which social networks to utilise, it’s crucial to consider all your alternatives for the following reasons:

    • The demographics of each platform’s audience vary: It’s crucial to take into account where your intended audience is more active on social media because different social networks draw different kinds of consumers. For instance, younger users tend to prefer Instagram, but professionals tend to choose LinkedIn.
    • Every platform has its own distinctive qualities, so it’s crucial to think about which ones would best serve your objectives. Every social media site has its own set of functions and capabilities. For instance, you might want to think about using a network like LinkedIn if you want to post long-form content.
    • It’s important not to overextend yourself. How much time and money you have to spend on social media should be taken into account. You can find it difficult to keep up and lose the ability to communicate with your followers if you try to be active on too many sites.

You can select the social networking sites that are most suitable for your needs and goals by analysing all of your alternatives and elements like customer demographics and platform characteristics.

Tip 5: Try out different things

There is no one rule or one way of how to do things on social media, there is always a lot of room for testing and learning new things, so don’t be afraid to try out different things and see what works best for you or your brand/business.

You can experiment on social media in the following ways:

    • Try out various content types: Experimenting with various content types is one approach to try out various things on social media. This can include posts with text, pictures, videos, infographics, and other media. You may determine what connects with your viewers and generates the most engagement by experimenting with various sorts of content.
    • Take advantage of social media capabilities. Several social networks provide tools that let you do things like conduct surveys, go live, or produce interactive material. These tools can be a fantastic way to interact with your community and try out novel social media strategies.
    • A/B test your content to see which version performs better by contrasting two versions of anything. This method may be used to evaluate several aspects of your material, including the title, the graphics, and the call to action.

You may discover what engages your audience the best on social media by experimenting with various strategies.

Tip 6: Networking matters

On social media, networking is crucial because it enables you to meet people in your field or who share your interests. You can use this to strengthen your relationships, get knowledge from others, and perhaps even create new chances.

However, it’s crucial to avoid letting networking trump all other aspects of your online profile. Here are a few causes for this:

    • It can take a lot of time: Using social media to network can be time-consuming, especially if you’re attempting to connect with a huge number of individuals. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance and avoid letting networking take up all of your time and resources.7. Consistency is key
    • Post often and in the same channels as often as possible, that’s the only way you can build up a following and get people interested in what you have to say online.
    • While networking is crucial, it’s only one component of your online presence, so you want to strike a balance. Additionally, you want to confirm that you are distributing worthwhile material, interacting with your audience, and remaining true to your brand.
    • There are other ways to network as well: social media is only one of several methods for networking. Additionally, you can network in person at events, by joining organisations for professionals, or by contacting individuals personally.

You can use social media to communicate with people and accomplish your other goals by putting networking in context and ensuring a healthy balance.

Tip 8: Balance Quality and Quantity of Content

For several reasons, it’s crucial to strike the correct balance between the amount and quality of material on social media.

    • Your audience seems to be more likely to be engaged by quality content: Your audience is more likely to pay attention to and remain reading high-quality information. However, low-quality or spam content might alienate visitors and damage your brand.
    • Quantity can also be overwhelming: When you upload far too much content, you run the risk of exhausting your audience and having them stop paying attention to you. On the contrary, side, if you don’t publish sufficient content, you can find it difficult to keep your audience interested and involved.
    • It takes time to produce high-quality content, so it’s crucial to find a balance between both the quantity of material you create and the resources you have at your disposal.

Try to concentrate on producing a combination of high-quality, helpful content and more relaxed, spontaneous updates in order to balance the amount and quality of your content. Additionally, it’s a good idea to monitor your analytics to determine the finest kinds of content to share with your audience. You may successfully engage your target audience and establish a strong social media presence by striking the appropriate balance.

Stand out in the social media jungle

Social media may seem overwhelming – and it can be – but if you break it down and make a plan, the task becomes much easier to manage. Additionally, by encouraging your customers to share your content on social media, you’re essentially creating free exposure for your business.

The challenge is to use social media in a way that allows you to stand out from the crowd. However, that’s not an easy task, as nowadays there are increased competition from the number of users on all of these platforms. Hopefully, some of our suggestions above will allow you to achieve that and bolster your social media presence for whatever purpose you may have.

Build your online presence to suit your own needs and values. Start small and be consistent, but don’t feel like you have to do everything perfectly right away or have every aspect of your presence in place right away. Have fun with it. Be adventurous, test and learn. Social media is a great way to share yourself and what you are passionate about with the world: don’t be shy or nervous!